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Project Moustache 

With the key insight gained from my research, to gain an edge on my competition and to keep up with the modern consumer demands, I propose a “Party Pack Stack”. This stack will be a third larger than the current package and will not stray away from the recognizable tube package that is already established. This will add value incentive for those who are price conscience. The package will include a paper moustache that can be stuck onto the top of ones lip to get tangible value and hopefully a laugh. I believe all ages will get a kick out of the paper moustache. This moustache will serve well as it will reinforce the brand throughout the night in a positive light.
The tag would be “Mingle with a pringle” and the logo will have its traditional “Pringle man” face but with a fun colorful party hat. The accumulation of these added factors will ensure that the brand positioning will be enhanced to a fun party loving snack food in which the consumer goes to purchase before attending a social event.


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